Interested for a business funded PhD thesis in energy management?

What it is? We offer the possibility for a PhD thesis elaboration, awarded, upon success, by the Hellenic Mediterranean University. The topics are strictly business driven, business funded (always) and in the following areas:

Building and city energy management, with a focus on big data and machine learning techniques as well as user engagement and knowledge sharing paradigms.

A MSc degree equivalent is necessary to comply with the formal requirements There is no requirement for physical presence here or there. Essential requirements will be strictly guided by milestones & deadlines.

How does it work? In two ways; you can express your interest by forwarding ( a concise 200 word statement of purpose and a CV attached. Alternatively, EMTTU may publish explicit topics, as they become available and after funding is secured. You may check our list at As this is a fresh initiative, please expect the first entries to show on the list towards the end of this year.

©2019- 2020 EMTTU- real life driven research!

Tell us about your interests  at & read about ours at